Participated in sketchcrawl today. It was held in old town pasadena (actually all over the world too!).

The day began at Johnny Rockets in old town pasadena

Then we walked down to city hall

My last stop was the paseo colorado outdoor mall.
I had lots of fun and met some really great artist. Can't wait til the next one !
flickr photos: flickr
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wow you waste no time, checked out your web page, you got some tight work, nice meeting you today at the crawl#11
Great sketchces and photos from LA sketchrawl. I really like your style of sketching.
John, your sketches are so elegant and beautiful, love the extra color you add in them. :) Great to see these again!
Thanks for the comment. and ahhhh your stuff is good to..I liked the one with the stuff on it, it has really good line quality to it.
Great stuff John!
Good stuff mate. I like your lines and colouring. It was cool to meet you at sketchcrawl last week.
Awesome Sketch!!!
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